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Monday, April 20, 2009

Bringing water to the masses in NYC

I am going to love TapIt Water, a new program that "connects empty-canteen-carrying water seekers with cafes and restaurants who offer good, clean, NYC tap water at no charge and with no dirty you-need-to-buy-something looks," according to PSFK. The organization's website allows local businesses to become partners, listing the details of their water availability in exchange for the presumed increase in business due to the added traffic. The public can then look up sites participating that are near their day's activities from their computer, iPhone, or Smartphone. Genius! Less demand for bottled water is great for the environment, and these kind of partnerships between businesses and nonprofits build stronger communities.

They've also got a suprisingly-often-updated blog (surprising to me--who knew there was so much to say on this topic?).

"water bottle" image by Muffet.


you need editing covers everything from Brooklyn to food, from design to sustainability, and from politics to art.

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